The Infinity Project


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Wow, this is this best resume in the whorl!

Comment by Justin Thyme

Hey, John. I ended up stumbling on one of the postcards you mailed to the US Geological Survey FRESC while working there in 2016 and checked out your site. It’s really heartfelt stuff. The admin was terrified of the postcard and thought there might be SARS in it or some shit, it was pretty funny. I’m still just another cog with no influence but I wanted to let you know that you’re at least reaching somebody out there, and I think a lot of us federal science spooks would actually agree with the majority of what you’re saying if they actually took the time to read it. It’s the real spooky spooks at the top of the national totem poll who have the real influence, though. Big love from Idaho. Stay healthy and keep fighting the good fight.

Comment by tmky

You don’t have to be a cog in the wehell. You are able to be lokki, #1 force of all. Its simple, force forward the idea at its point, We need 18 apostalettes for a reverse last supper presentation, in pursuit of the command of the armed forces to initiate the undamming of the world’s rivers. Be low key in a massive presentation to the females in particular. I have for nearly 50 years to the best of my ability. Some times I’m not that #1 force but don’t feel bad about it as I know some soul or entity somewhere is forcing forward my idea of 18 intelligent females and 2 careful men on a team to undam the rivers better than I AM or otherwise. So it’s for you to experience, enjoy the force fluid. The thing is usually I’m that #1 force, the best wager if you’re female is to make way with me in pursuit of the other apostalettes. I also appreciate your report of what happened when y’all got the letter, an obviously false rue materialized on your end, cover up, but idea taken note of, acted upon by you now.This is my design, I figured an entity would have to chew on it for a bit. I figure you’re communicating about the sea waterfoul assault waterfoul postcard, The picture I penciled for the stamp is pretty slick huh! I engineered that with the USPS over many letters and 10 years. 10,000 letters, and some massive response, BLM, Surface Transportation Board, The MOB, Mars Co., University of Florida Communications, President of Chile, the US Geological Survey FRESC. My letters are delivered with due force, often this may be overwhelming for the recipients. It appears what you discovered was my presentation spooked the careactorspooks above you, and it does, but also consider that they were playing you, as they are too scared to roll with me themselves. You are brave and your surmise about the other scientists is spot on. I read their books, they know that. I made my decisions based on the notes they took. As I remember the gist of the idea I sent to the geo depts was wow christ allmightys favorite book in the bible is jonah, or surprise I’m undamming the world’s rivers as earthquake boy. I just got back from The Caimans where I’d sailed in on a 7.7 with a yellowfin on the barbecoo, cracked the dam water main, cut Cayman customs building in half, dump exploded at the lakeside condos, town enveloped in horrid smoke stench for… the whole dam time I’m in disguise as Peter Crockidealrio Fruita de Pan, left on a pandemic pan ick coronavirus as the son of God, the humans afraid of the dam flue, ethanol grade kill your ass not fit for consumption GMO corn dust in flour. Toile.t. payper (of which I’ve never bought a roll) MIA. Hell’s dam shitty doom huh? I even had to rebuild my sailboat. I just came out as the King of the Poison Frog Dart Gang and when I went to the USPO with my first letter/dart discovered frog stamps, for real, to go with my fluttering winged soldier (Lionfish) fishprint envelopes. Yes this is very intimidating by design, but I didn’t threaten ya which is 40 years in fed dungeon. I”m Lawrence, the law is words, I have a dictionary. If I make a “mistake” I have Satan as my public defender, so no worries. I got a lot of credit. Thanks for your timely report, albeit from a disguised position.

Comment by Justin Thyme

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